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2018 tournament China central European contestants announced the selection

2018-08-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018《炉石传说》中欧对抗赛将于9月26日至10月2日在中国上海举行,来自中欧两地的总计16位顶尖《炉石传说》选手将展开交锋,争夺中欧对抗赛的冠军头衔,以及属于冠军的最高奖励——阿斯顿·马丁跑车。此前,代表欧洲出战的8位选手名单已经公布,代表中国的参赛选手选拔方式今日正式揭晓,其中部分中方参赛选手名单已经确认,其余选手将陆续揭晓。 已确认选手: 黄金公开赛西安站2名:专业组冠军凌乱静、公开组亚军DarrenF(公开组冠军XHope由于已经获得2018中欧对抗赛的名额,因此将名额顺延给公开组亚军) 2017《炉石传说》中欧对抗赛冠军1名:Xhope 待确认选手: 9月1日揭晓1...

2018 "hearth legend" china-eu test on September 26 solstice on October 2, held in Shanghai, China, a total of 16 top from central Europe in the hearth legend players will compete, for the tournament champion in central Europe, and belongs to the champions of the highest reward - the aston Martin sports cars. Earlier, a list of eight players representing Europe already announced, on behalf of the Chinese contestants the selection of officially announced today that some of the Chinese contestant list has confirmed that the rest of the players will be the exception. Has confirmed the contestant: gold open xi 'an station 2: professional title messy static, open runner-up DarrenF (open champion XHope as has obtained 2018 tournament quota of central Europe, thus will postpone places for the open runner-up) 2017 tournament champion "hearth legend" china-eu 1: XHope TBC player: announced on September 1, 1...