新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔兽世界》2018春节:新增4个节日幻化花环


World of warcraft: the 2018 Spring Festival add 4 holiday wreath of unreal

2018-02-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2月17日-3月3日是魔兽世界的春节,之前测试服发现的花环也成为今年春节的新增物品,在节日期间可以幻化。大家可以在节日商人处花25个硬币购买。 好运之冠 勇气之冠 繁荣之冠 黑暗的花冠

February 17 - the Spring Festival is on March 3, the world of warcraft, before test clothing found garland of flowers in the Spring Festival this year new items during the holiday season can be unreal. You can spend on holiday merchant 25 COINS to buy. The crown of good fortune & have spent & have spent Crown of courage & have spent & have spent Prosperity crown & have spent & have spent The darkness of the corolla

标签: 魔兽世界