新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗杀之余,来看看这些《杀手2》艺术设定图


The assassination, look at these "killer 2" art set figure

2018-12-17 10:30:56来源: 游戏时光

近日,Kotaku 搜集并展出了一些《杀手2》的艺术设定图。这些图片或来自 IO 工作室,或来自第三方合作艺术家。下面就让我们来看看吧。Anders PoulsenNick Foreman下一页:更多艺术图Stanton FengCarlos NCT下一页:更多艺术图Anton KozlovRaquel Cornejo更多图片可点击下方来源查看。来源:Kotaku

Recently, the Kotaku collect and display some killer 2 set figure of art. These images or from IO studio, artist or from a third party cooperation. Let's and see it. Anders PoulsenNick Foreman page: more artistic figure Stanton FengCarlos NCT page: more artistic figure Anton KozlovRaquel Cornejo more images below the clickable source view. Source: Kotaku