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没文化真可怕 《仙途2》教你琴棋书画

Not really terrible culture "by 2" teach you the fancies of men of letters

2014-12-28 10:25:16来源: 17173

中国五千年的灿烂文明,博大精深。而在这悠久的文明之中,最为人所熟知的艺术,便是那琴棋书画。 琴棋书画四艺一直以来都被当做是文人雅士的标准;也是中华文化中最精髓的部分。想要精通必然很困难,但是基本的了解还是很有必要的。 全手绘无边玄幻网游大作《仙途2》,便蕴含了中国仙侠文化的精髓,...

Chinese five thousand years of splendid culture, broad and profound. In this long history of civilization, the most well known art, is the fancies of men of letters. Fancies of men of letters four arts has always been as literati standards; and most part of the essence of Chinese culture. Want to necessarily difficult proficiency, but the basic understanding is necessary. All hand-painted boundless fantasy online games masterpiece "by 2", and contains the essence of Chinese Xian Xia culture,...