新关注 > 信息聚合 > 面对环球黑卡用户提问,郑爽回应接下来可能要接木乃伊角色?


In the face of global black card users to ask questions, Zheng Shuang response is likely to be the next pick mummy's role?

2017-08-03 15:34:02来源: DoNews

说到娱乐圈的劳模,郑爽肯定在列,身为90后四小花旦之一的她可是演了很多电视剧,也诠释了很多的角色,当然她的演技也是一步一步地在提高。郑爽演的第一部电视剧大家都知道,是《一起来看流星雨》,那时候青涩、活泼的郑爽得到了很多人的喜爱。 之后与张翰谈恋爱期间,虽然没有接过太多角色,但是她在电影《画壁》中饰演的牡丹也让人深刻地记住了她的小仙女形象。说到小仙女,郑爽可不止有《画壁》中的牡丹让人印象深刻哦,她在《古剑奇谭》中饰演的襄铃也是很可爱的呢。 还有最近刚刚上映的电影《悟空传》,里面的阿月,仙气十足,真的有倾倒众生的魅力,因为这些小仙女角色的成功演绎,郑爽“小仙女”的标签可是撕不掉了哦!除了小仙女,郑...

A model when it comes to entertainment, Zheng Shuang affirmation in the column, as one of the four small "after 90, she acted in many TV shows, however, and the role of a lot, of course her acting is also in improving step by step. Zheng Shuang play the first TV series is known to all, is the meteor shower together, when young, lively Zheng Shuang got a lot of people like. During the later fall in love with Hans zhang, although there is no take too many roles, but she plays the peony in the movie "painted wall" also let a person remember profoundly the image of her little fairy. Said to the fairy, there is more than in "painted wall" peony to Zheng Shuangke impressive oh, she plays in the DLC, tan and discuss the bell also is very lovely. And the recently released film biography of the wu is empty, the inside of the month, dust, really have dumped the charm of living beings, because of the success of these fairy role deduce, Zheng Shuang "fairy" label but can not tear off! In addition to the fairy, zheng...