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Vertical anti Cao set three "heroes of the Three Kingdoms" new hero Lu Su exposure

2015-09-23 11:20:37来源: 天极网

三国时期东吴人才辈出,前后历任的四位都督被并称为东吴四英将或东吴四庭柱。而在《英雄三国》中,东吴四庭柱中已有了周瑜、吕蒙和陆逊,唯独少了那位先生之风、仗义疏财的鲁肃。如今鲁肃即将登场,东吴四位都督将一同并肩作战! 手托聚宝盆,一身由红色外套,内服镶嵌着数不胜数的铜币。俊朗的五官独特的...

in the period of the Three Kingdoms Soochow talent, before and after the former four captaincy is known for Dong Wu Siying or Soochow four court column. And in the "heroes of the Three Kingdoms", Soochow four court column had Zhou Yu, Lu Meng and Lu Xun, except less wind of the gentleman, generous Lu su. Now Su soon is taken to the threshing ground, four Soochow captaincy general will work together to fight side by side! Holding cornucopia, a body by the red coat, oral mosaic tens of numerous coppers. Handsome facial features unique...