新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何时告别移植?GTA系列手游能否迎来重生


When farewell transplant? Big attention degree and the host platform GTA series Mobile Games could usher in a "GTA5" the rebirth of

2015-02-04 19:34:42来源: 4399

《GTA5》全球火热的关注度及主机平台的大卖已经是众所周知事实,近期R星母公司Take Two正式公布了14年年度财务报告,大红大紫的GTA系列依然是公司盈利的最大功臣。据外媒报道,GTA5全球累积4500万套的销量,给Take Two带来近20亿美元的年收入。 GTA的神话仍在延续 ...

global hot is as everyone knows the fact, the recent R star Take parent company Two officially announced the 14 annual financial report in the limelight, the GTA series is still the biggest hero company earnings. According to foreign media reports, GTA5 global cumulative sales for 45000000 sets, Take Two brought in $2000000000 in annual revenue. The myth of GTA still is in continuance...

标签: 手游