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《战舰世界》研发日志 延续美式战舰的传奇


2015-03-19 21:30:38来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... Wargaming 表示,在最新影片中,开发团队将会带领玩家参观在二十世纪中于太平洋和大西洋上艰苦奋战的经典战舰,玩家将可以一窥像是 USS Michigan 和 Montana等战舰在海战中扮演的角色,并了解开发人员怎么把这些战舰带进《战舰世界》中。 ...

video loading world of Warcraft" R & D log continuing American warship, please wait... Wargaming said, in the latest movie, the development team will lead the game player to visit in twentieth Century in the Pacific and the Atlantic fought hard classic battleship game player will get a glimpse, like USS Michigan and Montana ships play in the battle of the role, and to understand the developers how to these ships into the "world of Warcraft" in. ...