新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重磅更新《自由足球》角色收藏系统来袭


Heavy update "Free Football" role collection system attack

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在《自由足球》游戏中,特殊角色一直是玩家最为关注的游戏特色,在游戏更新的每个重大阶段都会上线一些拥有不同风格背景及功能的特殊角色,久而久之每个玩家可能会冷落了一些旧特殊角色。今日,《自由足球》进行重磅更新,特殊角色收藏系统火爆来袭,让你拥有的所有特殊角色都能组合成为你能力值上的助力。 以此同时,全新的角色碎片获得机制、新版钓鱼王日常等精彩活动同步上线,喜欢的小伙伴们不要错过哦! 特殊角色收藏系统及专属活动同步上线 玩家创建的所有特殊角色在形成特定4人组合时,可激活附加的能力值,让你拥有的角色发挥最大效用。另外,为助力此次系统更新,官方将额外开放阶段达成送特殊碎片的给力活动,玩家在活...

In Free Football, special characters have always been the focus of the game. In every major phase of the game update, some special characters with different styles, backgrounds and functions will be on the line. Over time, each player may be left behind some old special characters. Today, Free Football has been heavily updated, and special character collections are in full swing, allowing all the special characters you own to be combined as a boost to your ability. At the same time, the new role of fragments acquisition mechanism, the new version of King Diaoyu Daily and other exciting activities on-line synchronization, like the little partners do not miss Oh! Special Character Collection System and exclusive activities synchronize all the special characters created by online players to activate additional abilities to maximize the utility of the characters you own when forming a specific four-person combination. In addition, in order to help the system update, the authorities will open extra stage to send special force to special debris.