新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易CEO丁磊要直播抽卡,我们终于可以看看SSR长啥样了


NetEase CEO Ding Lei to live pumping card, we can finally look at the SSR long..

2016-09-29 07:09:59来源: 178游戏网

《阴阳师》手游自公测之后受到了玩家的热捧,“非洲人怎么才能抽到SSR”也成为玩家最热衷讨论的话题。而网易CEO丁磊也要加入抽卡大军,将于9月30日21-22点在某鱼直播抽卡,难道我们终于可以看见传说已久的SSR了吗? 本次直播除了丁磊和《阴阳师》的研发大大,陈赫也将现身为该活动造势。据...

"Onmyoji" Mobile Games since the beta has been after game player blitz, "how to draw SSR Africans" has become the most discussed topic of game player. NetEase CEO Ding Lei joined the army in September 30th will draw a card, 21-22 card in a pumping live fish, we can finally see the legend has long been SSR? In addition to the live R & D Ding Lei and "Yin and Yang teacher" greatly, Chen also appeared on the campaign activities. According to the...

标签: 网易 直播