新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《穿越火线:枪战王者》6月17日更新内容汇总


"Cross the fire line: the gunman" update in June 17th

2016-06-17 10:45:00来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】继端午节后《穿越火线:枪战王者》迎来节后首次更新,本次更新CF手游上线“武器大师”版本推出的武器大乱斗和刀王大乱斗,将让玩家感受最新乱斗玩法的魅力。 其中“武器大乱斗”为“武器大师”版本重点内容,分为团队玩法和个人玩法两种,但大体规则相同,均是考验玩家对各类武器的...

[TechWeb] reported after the Dragon Boat Festival "Cross Fire king": shooting Festival ushered in the first update, this update CF Mobile Games launched the "weapons master" release of the weapon Fuzion and knife Wang Fuzion, will let the game player feel the charm of the new scuffle play. Among them, the "weapons chaos" is the "Weapon Master" version of the key content, divided into two kinds of team play and personal play, but the general rule is the same, are all players of the test of all kinds of weapons.

标签: 穿越火线