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电竞产业未来或达千亿级体量 人才缺失成突出矛盾

E-sports industry in the future or grade billions of dimension talents loss into a prominent contradiction

2016-05-21 19:24:28来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京5月21日电(岳川) 成立以来大手笔不断的乐视体育又有新动向。今天下午,乐视体育在京举行电竞产业规划发布会暨乐视体育WCA战略合作签约仪式,宣布成立乐视体育电竞事业部,全面进军电竞行业。 相比传统体育项目,结合“游戏+体育”的专业娱乐竞技形态的电子竞技正在全球范围内快速圈粉...

Beijing, Beijing on May 21 (YueChuan) since the establishment of big Letv sports and new trend. This afternoon, Letv sports e-sports industry planning conference held in Beijing and Letv sports WCA strategic cooperation signing ceremony, announced the formation of e-sports Letv sports department, fully e-sports industry. Compared with traditional sports project, combined with "game + sports" professional entertainment sports e-sport is quick laps around the world in the form of powder...

标签: 电竞