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游戏成电影题材新宠儿 《正当防卫》电影筹备中


2015-09-11 20:29:47来源: 4399

近年来,影游联动成了新风尚,如最近正如火如荼制作中的《愤怒的小鸟》和万众期待却一再跳票的《魔兽世界》等等。作为时下最热门的娱乐形态,影游二者跨界联合能够产生出巨大的市场潜力。正越来越多的游戏佳作计划着要搬上大荧幕,而这一次,则是轮到了 SE 旗下的大作《正当防卫》。 据透露,《正当防卫...

the new darling of the movie "self-defense" film preparation in recent years, linkage video tour into the new fashion, such as recently is in full swing in the production of the "angry birds" and the much anticipated has repeatedly bounced "world of Warcraft" and so on. As one of the most popular forms of entertainment, the impact of the two cross-border joint can produce a huge market potential. Is more and more game masterpiece plans to move on the big screen, and this time is turn the SE's of the justifiable defense ". According to the sources, "self-defense...

标签: 电影 游戏