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牛人打造 《我的世界》版蝙蝠侠小丑乐园出炉

Cattle create released the "my world" version of Batman Joker park is

2015-09-11 21:33:33来源: 新浪

小丑算得上是《蝙蝠侠》中塑造的最成功的角色之一,让人又爱又恨的他在粉丝中有着非常高的人气,有玩家在《我的世界》中还原了小丑,不过这次可不只是打造了一个人物这么简单。 三位外国玩家SNIP3RxPC、JayZ401和Plutouthere花了三天的时间在《我的时间》里建造了一栋小丑公园...

clown is considered as one of the most successful roles portrayed Batman, lets a person of love and hate his fans have very high popularity, players in "my world" to restore the little ugly, but this can not only produce a character so simple. Three foreign players JayZ401, Plutouthere and SNIP3RxPC spent three days in the "my time" to build a clown park...

标签: 我的世界