新关注 > 信息聚合 > 熊孩子!12岁女孩偷用妈妈支付宝网游充值13600元


Naughty kid 12 year old girl steal my Alipay online recharge 13600 yuan

2015-09-05 03:08:59来源: 中国青年网

晴晴就是用这部手机完成验证,支付了13600元到游戏账号 4399网页上有充值教程,教玩家如何方便快速地充值 在南京的孙女士眼里,12岁的女儿一直是个“乖乖女”,哪知从不要零花钱的她,在暑假里却干了一件惊人的事——用妈妈的支付宝账户和密码以及手机,9天时间在一款网络小游戏中充值13...

Frances is to use the phone to complete the verification, paid 13600 yuan to recharge tutorial game account 4399 web, teach players how convenient rapid recharge in the eyes of Nanjing Ms. sun, 12 year old daughter has been a "Darling female", which know from don't pocket money for her. In the summer but did an amazing thing, mother's PayPal account and password and phone, 9 days in a small network game recharge 13...

标签: 网游