新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日推荐:The Banana《香蕉》:很“黄”很费脑..

今日推荐:The Banana《香蕉》:很“黄”很费脑..

Today's recommendation: the banana "banana": "yellow" very fee brain..

2015-08-24 16:38:35来源: 任玩堂

名称:The Banana《香蕉》 画面:★★★★★ 有趣度:★★★★★ 推荐理由:香蕉控(什么?)、解谜控都可以在里面找到乐趣! 解谜游戏大家玩得多了,很“黄”很费脑的作品,你又玩过没?今日要和大家推荐的 STUDIO ANASTROPHE 解谜作品之一 The Bana...

Name: the banana "banana" screen:]]]]] interesting degree:]]]]] recommended reason: control of banana (what?) The puzzle, you can find fun in the inside control! Puzzle game you play more, "yellow" is the brain works, you have not played? Today we recommend one of the STUDIO ANASTROPHE and The Bana puzzle pieces...