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热血传奇手机版赚钱攻略 10大赚钱方法一览

Legend of Mir mobile money Raiders 10 big money method list

2015-08-24 16:26:33来源: 科技讯

在热血传奇手机版中,金币是主要的通用货币之一,购买装备、学习技能以及补给买药都需要大量的金币。许多玩家都说钱好难赚啊,做一件稀有装备就需要好多金币,根本不够开销。那么在游戏中都有哪些赚钱的方法呢?一起来看看吧! 【科技讯】8月24日消息,在热血传奇手机版中,金币是主要的通用货币之一,...

in mobile phone version of the legend of Mir, gold is one of the main currency, purchase of equipment, learning skills and supplies to buy drugs need a large number of gold coins. Many players say that money is hard to earn, do a rare piece of equipment requires a lot of gold, not enough money. What are the methods of making money in the game now? A look at it! Technology news, August 24th news, in the mobile version of the legendary mobile phone, gold is one of the major currencies,...

标签: 热血传奇