新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访《征途》张羽:为什么一款游戏可以让玩家玩..


Interview, "journey" Zhangyu: why a game can let a player play Sina..

2015-07-30 17:37:44来源: 新浪

近日,《征途》发布一则新资料片消息引起玩家广泛关注。本部资料片将会给玩家带来怎样的新内容和体验?记者带着这样的疑问在Chinajoy专访了巨人《征途》项目总监张羽先生。 您觉得为什么这款游戏可以让玩家玩十年? 张羽:经典产品要保持旺盛的生命力,研发团队必须保持创新活力,让游戏功能...

recently, "journey" released a new piece of news caused widespread concern in the internationally. What new content and experience will be given to the players? Reporters with such a question in the Chinajoy interview with the giant, "journey" project director, Mr. Zhang Yu. Why do you think this game will allow players to play for ten years? Zhang Yu: the classic product to maintain strong vitality, R & D team must maintain the vitality of innovation, so that the game function...

标签: 游戏 玩家