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《高达征服V》开始配信 最新PV介绍视频公开

"Up to conquer V" with the letter the latest PV introduction video open

2015-07-29 09:35:06来源: 电玩巴士

PSV平台基本免费网游新作《高达征服V》毫无预告于今天7月28日突然开始配信,这款游戏移植自手机平台的同名游戏,伴随游戏配信一并公开的还有一段PV宣传影像,下面来欣赏一下。 视频原址 游戏中玩家可以扮演四个势力(地球联邦、吉翁公国、地球联合、扎夫特)之一的殖民卫星总督,通过内政和战...

PSV platform basic free online games new "up to conquer V" there is no notice today July 28, suddenly started with the letter, this game transplantation from mobile phone platform game of the same name, with the game with the letter together with the public and a PV promotional video below to enjoy. Site of a video game in which players can play one of the four forces (Earth Federation and Zeon, United Earth, ZAFT) colonial satellite governor, through the interior and war.

标签: 视频