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最强后援团 《有杀气童话》千人妹子团来袭

The strongest backing group the murderous fairytale thousands of sister group struck

2015-07-16 11:55:17来源: 4399

有杀气童话7月10日全平台开测后人气火爆,连续两个星期稳居App Store榜首位置。近日,有杀气童话爆出千人后援团,各色各样的妹子为游戏送上公测祝福,从深V到白领,从loli到御姐,强势袭来的妹子浪潮瞬间就让贴吧里狼友们幸福得快晕过去了。 网易年度大作有杀气童话7月公测开启后迎来了大...

have murderous fairytale July 10, the whole platform open test after popular, continuous two weeks ranked the top app store location. Recently, a murderous fairy broke thousands backing group, all sorts of sister blessing to send the game beta, from the deep V to white-collar workers, from loli into, struck a strong sister wave moment let stick wolf friends happy fast halo passed. NetEase annual masterpiece has a murderous fairy tale in July ushered in a large open beta...