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九年玩家回忆录 盘点《问道》引领者

Nine years internationally memoirs inventory "asked" the leader

2015-07-16 12:28:14来源: 新浪

九年魅力、经典大作《问道》,自2006年公测至今,已经走过了九年的历程。九年来,《问道》一直不断的努力前行,创下百万同时在线的辉煌成绩,更是夺下免费回合头把交椅! 一位九年资深玩家,回忆这些辉煌的过去,盘点了几位《问道》的引领者,他们见证了《问道》九年的变化,同时,他们所取得的辉煌成...

nine years charm and classic big as "asked", since 2006 the beta so far, has gone through the course of nine years. For nine years, "asked" will continue to forward, a million online at the same time the brilliant achievements, won the free round head spot! A nine-year veteran players, memories of the glorious past, an inventory of the several "asked" the leader, they witnessed the asked "nine years of change, at the same time, they have achieved brilliant success...

标签: 玩家