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暑期福利大放送 CABAL1.5缤纷好礼激爽一夏

Summer welfare broadcasting CABAL1.5 fun gifts

2015-07-14 10:05:39来源: 17173

热力七月,好礼天天送,奖品日日拿!3D动作网游《CABAL1.5》缤纷暑期活动季正式开始啦,在活动季期间,超多精彩活动巨献、百种丰厚奖励等你来拿,官网、论坛、线上三炮齐轰,更为玩家准备了许多有趣的互动活动,让您的暑期之旅更加丰富有趣! 新手礼包大放送 助你成长轻松升级 在这个热闹...

zest summer heat in July, send gifts every day, every day to take the prize! 3D action games "CABAL1.5" colorful summer activities season officially started, in during the active season, super brilliant Juxian, hundreds of rich rewards such as you to take, official website, forum, online three guns Qi bang, for the players prepared many fun and interactive activities, make your summer trip more interesting! The novice packs big run to help you grow to easily upgrade in this lively...