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还《鲤》一汪碧水 环保手游即将上线

Also "carp" Wang Bishui environmental protection hand travel about on-line

2015-07-14 12:24:54来源: 不凡游戏网

有这样一款游戏,纯净唯美的画面,神秘空灵的音乐,为众位玩家在这样一个燥热的季节带来一份别样的舒缓情怀,它的名字叫做《鲤》。这款由莱玩游戏发行,天津队友游戏研发的单机手游,无论是在画面设计、游戏主题,乃至操控上都下足了简约的功夫。同时在简约到极致的细节之处,无不透露着对人生和现实的思考。 ...

has such a game, pure and beautiful picture, ethereal and mysterious music, all the players in such a hot season brings a different kind of soothing feelings, its name called the carp. This game released by the Lai play games, the Tianjin team mate game development of a single hand travel, both in the picture design, game themes, and even control are full of simple effort. At the same time in the simplicity of the details of the extreme, all revealed to the life and reality of thinking. ...

标签: 手游