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开拓产业新蓝海 第三届亚洲移动游戏大会圆满落幕

Develop new blue ocean industry the third Asian Conference on Mobile Games ended

2015-07-13 15:53:00来源: 4399

第三届亚洲移动游戏大会已在越南胡志明市成功落下帷幕,作为亚太地区最具影响力的大会之一,MGA吸引百余名移动游戏翘楚齐聚越南,共同展望移动游戏的未来。本次大会盛况空前,预示着未来移动游戏在东南亚地区会有蓬勃的发展势头以及无限的商机。 GMGC秘书长宋炜及国际团队小伙伴们 独立演讲&巅峰...

the 3rd Asian mobile game conference has in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam successfully concluded, as one of the most influential conference in Asia Pacific region mga attract hundreds of mobile gaming leaders gather in Vietnam, a common vision of the future of mobile games. The conference unprecedented, bodes well for the future of mobile game in Southeast Asia will have the vigorous development momentum and unlimited business opportunities. GMGC Secretary General Song Wei and the international team of small partners who are independent speech & summit...

标签: 游戏