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《仙剑奇侠传6》走向世界 老外情侣晒照示爱仙剑6

The paladin biography 6 "to the world the foreigner couple sun recently affection legend 6

2015-07-13 17:24:29来源: 东北网

近日,一则老外秀恩爱的图片传出,图中一笔一划的汉字:我爱仙剑六。 看来二人都是仙剑铁杆粉,这男才女貌的画面简直让人好生羡慕。女神美鲜肉嫩,啧啧啧,在这让单身狗极度烦躁的季节,各位仍在单身的小伙伴恐怕又要遭受一次核能打击了。 小编也表示看到帅哥美女真的没有抵抗力啊,这仙剑6都已经冲...

, came a foreigner show of affection of pictures, the strokes of Chinese characters: I love legend of six. It seems that two people is the sword of hardcore powder, the beauty and the geek picture can let a person envy. The goddess of beauty of fresh meat tenderness, tut Tut, in this let a single dog extreme irritability season, you still in a single small partner may also suffer from a nuclear blow. Xiao Bian also said to see hotties really no resistance, the legend of 6 have been rushed...