新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitch统计E3数据:逾2100万人次观看展会


Statistics on twitch E3: more than 2100 million watch exhibition Sina

2015-07-03 18:09:01来源: 新浪

今年的E3游戏展给全世界的玩家们都带来了不少惊喜,各大发行商和制作组带领着自己的游戏大放异彩。在这场年度盛会结束之后,全球最大的游戏直播网站Twitch做了一个有关E3 2015数据统计图,我们将其中内容提炼并进行了如下翻译: E3 2015举办时间为2015年7月14日~18日,在...

this year's E3 game show to players around the world brought a lot of surprises, the major publishers and the production team led the own game shine. After the end of the annual meeting, the world's biggest game live twitch website do a E3 2015 statistical data, we will the content refinement and the translation is as follows: E3 2015 is held from July 2015 14 to 18, in...

标签: Twitch