新关注 > 信息聚合 > 细数历代TI奖金 TI5冠军奖金将再破新高

细数历代TI奖金 TI5冠军奖金将再破新高

Breakdown of the ancient Ti bonus ti5 champion bonus will break new

2015-07-03 16:12:18来源: 游久网


the current ti5 bonus has exceeded the fourth Ti bonus total, according to the current total number of bonus, the first star won more than $650 million in prize money, even if the two can get $190 million, a considerable number! Do not know will not again the eSports to the top of the waves! Of course, such a high level of bonuses to the player's favorite is inseparable, thank you for support of dota2. At the same time, tell you a little knowledge is...