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仙剑六主创微访谈内容汇总 姚仙透露诸多重要信息

Legend of six creative micro interview content summary Yaoxian revealed many important information

2015-07-03 18:12:26来源: 新浪

7月3日下午,由新浪游戏与北京软星合作的“《仙剑奇侠传六》主创微访谈”在微博火热进行。在不到一小时的访谈过程中,共有上千位玩家踊跃提问,三位嘉宾也与玩家进行了100多次的回答互动。 此次微访谈邀请到了仙剑之父姚壮宪姚仙,《仙剑六》制作人栾京和《仙剑六》主美术肇一龙。在一个小时的访谈中...

7 month 3 days afternoon, by cooperation with Beijing Star soft Sina game "" Paladin "VI" creative "micro interview in microblogging hot. In less than an hour of the interview process, there are a total of thousands of players to ask questions, three guests also have a number of 100 times to answer the question. The micro interview invitation to the legend of father Yao Yao Zhuang Xian, "immortal six" producer Luan Jing and the legend of six "main art Zhao Yilong. In an hour of talk...