新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《征途2动作版》战歌“好兄弟,在一起”首爆


"Journey 2 action version of" Battle Hymn of the "good brothers, in the" first burst

2015-07-04 00:49:05来源: 178游戏网

巨人首款2.5D征途系列大作《征途2动作版》首测已经开启,近期一首来自《征途2》老玩家打造的游戏主题曲——《好兄弟,在一起》发布,并被官方指定为唯一战歌。 激昂的曲调,高昂的演唱......一句“好兄弟,在一起”唱出了征途岁月中多少南征北战、边境厮杀。 好兄弟,在一起 在巨人首...

giant the first 2.5D Journey Series masterpiece "action 2 version of the journey," first test has been opened, recently a song from "Journey 2" old players to create games theme song, "good brothers, in together" was released, and was officially designated as the only Warsong. Passionate melody, high singing... "Good brothers. In" sing the journey time in many nanzhengbeizhan, border fighting. Good brother, together in the first of the giants...