新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓝贴:多次重复击杀团本首领的处罚名单


Blue posts: repeatedly kill the leader of the group punishment list

2015-07-03 18:12:26来源: 多玩游戏

飞熊 多次重复击杀团队副本首领的处罚名单 每周内(自周4团队副本进度重置起至下一次团队副本进度重置期间)针对团队副本中同一难度下(包括普通、英雄难度)的同一个首领,同一游戏角色的击杀次数不得大于5次。 为了更好地维护游戏环境,保证游戏的公平性以及打击现金交易,从6.2版本上线起,我...

Feixiong repeated strikes kill raid bosses punishment list weekly (since 4 weeks raid reset progress to under a raid schedule reset period) to raid the same difficulty (including normal and heroic difficulty with a leader, with the role of the game hit kill number shall not be greater than 5 times. In order to better protect the game environment, to ensure that the game's fair and the fight against cash transactions, from the 6.2 version of the line, i...