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Hearthstone publishing mysterious invitation: new content or July 22, exposure

2015-07-03 23:52:16来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 7月3日,有外媒放出了一张神秘的邀请函照片,具体内容大概是在半个多月后的7月22日,暴雪将召开发布会公布一些神秘的炉石新内容。这个日期很有趣,因为在去年的同一天,也正是纳克萨玛斯的诅咒正式发布的日子。 大致内容翻译:“来自全世界的英雄们将见证炉石传说的下一...

[17173 reports finishing] on July 3, foreign media released a mysterious invitation photos, specific content is probably in more than half a month after the July 22, Blizzard will be held a press conference to announce some mysterious hearthstone new content. This date is very interesting, because in the same day last year, is the curse of Naxxramas officially released the day. The heroes who come from all over the world will witness the legend of the furnace...