新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乘风破浪登高峰《不良人》手游劲爽夏日战不停


Brave the wind and waves climb peak "beloved" tour fresh cool summer war does not stop

2015-07-03 15:36:57来源: 一游网

由超人气国漫改编,掌趣科技研发、若森数字监制的第一国漫手游《不良人》现已全平台上线,登录应用商店搜索“不良人”即可下载游戏。游戏不仅高度还原了游戏中的景点剧情桥段,同时更加入了海量趣味新玩法,其中爬塔玩法“乘风破浪”更是火爆异常,深受玩家喜爱。 挑战自我 是男人就上100层 作为...

adapted from a popular country diffuse, palm interested in science and technology R & D, ruosen digital producer the first country to diffuse Tour "beloved" is now a full line platform, log application store search "bad people" can download games. Games not only to restore the height of game attractions plot ideas, at the same time also joined the massive interesting new gameplay, the climbing tower gameplay "brave the wind and waves" is unusually hot, loved by players. Challenge yourself is the man on the 100 floor as...

标签: 手游