新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经济战开打《星际来袭》全商店深度解析


Economic war dozen "star struck" shops depth analysis

2015-07-03 12:18:32来源: 不凡游戏网

科幻类机甲战争手游《星际来袭》将激烈刺激的RTS级对抗作战与丰富的机甲养成玩法完美融合,在手机类游戏中脱颖而出,引起一股不小的风暴。 所谓智勇双全,既是有勇之外更有谋,不从正面刚也能从侧面获取明显优势战胜对手。运用好《星际来袭》中的“掠夺商店”、“挑战商店”、“军功商店”、“金币商店”...

science fiction mech war Tour "star struck, the intense stimulation of RTS level combat and rich mech form the perfect blend of gameplay, come to the fore in the category of mobile phone game, causing a shares is not a small storm. What is more is both intelligent and courageous, brave and not just from the front, but also from the side to get obvious advantage over rivals. Good use of "Star" in the "incoming looting", "challenge," store "," gold medals "store shop"...