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博瑞游戏《龙之战境》首次亮相 有望超越RAVEN

Brilliant game "dragon war territory" debut is expected to surpass RAVEN

2015-07-02 14:25:48来源: 4399

在2015年美国E3展上,博瑞游戏先后发布了三款精品手游,分别为《龙之战镜》、《加冕为王》和《僵尸星球》。其中,《龙之战镜》将率先登录韩国市场,瞄准了《Blade》和《Raven》之后的重度游戏市场。 更多新游资讯,尽在4399新游频道 ▍Havok引擎打造,全明星配置 《龙之战镜...

in 2015 the United States at E3, brilliant game has released three fine hand travel, respectively for the dragon war mirror "," crowned king "and" zombie planet ". Among them, the dragon war mirror will be the first to log in the South Korean market, aimed at the Blade and Raven after the severe games market. More new information, as in the 4399 man Havok engine to create a new travel channel, all star configuration "dragon war mirror...

标签: 游戏