新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史上最壕《格斗江湖》打造暑期0元游世界计划


In the history of the trench "fighting the rivers and lakes" build summer 0 yuan tour plan for world

2015-06-25 11:32:54来源: 不凡游戏网

漫长暑假即将开始,各位江湖大侠是不是觉得要有些新鲜玩意来打发无聊的日子才好?《格斗江湖》史上最壕计划--暑期0元游世界活动即将震撼上线!超豪华活动阵容绝对让各位大侠目瞪口呆!话不多说,且让小编为各位大侠细细道来! 【超壕阵容 不敢相信】 一开始听到《格斗江湖》要打造暑期0元计划的时候...

long summer upcoming, you runescape warrior is not feel to some fresh stuff to kill the boring days just good? "Rivers and lakes" in the history of fighting trench plan -- summer 0 yuan world tour activities will be on-line shock! Ultra luxury lineup activities make heroes absolutely terrified! Not much to say, let Xiaobian Shanhaiguan carefully to! [Hao] can't believe when super lineup began to hear a "fighting arena" to build summer 0 yuan plan...