新关注 > 信息聚合 > XSX/PS5版《天外世界》现已支持60帧游玩


The xsx / ps5 version of extraterrestrial now supports 60 frames of play

2021-03-16 11:37:30来源: 游戏时光

由黑曜石工作室开发的 RPG 《天外世界》于今日推送了 1.07 版本的更新补丁,有诸多网友发现,本作的 Xbox Seires X 版及 PS5 版在更新至最新版本后均支持 60 帧游玩,目前尚不清楚 Xbox Seires S 版更新后是否同样支持 60 帧。值得一提的是,本作的第二个 DLC“艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案”将于 3 月 17 日正式发售。此外,本次的《天外世界》1.07 版本更新新增了一些内容,修复了一些问题:预载“艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案”游戏文件剧情游玩至“不归点”(point of no return)的玩家届时可游玩 DLC“戈耳工危机”和“艾瑞丹诺斯谋杀案”修复了对话时 Nyoka 面部动画不加载的问题更新了对“机器人恐惧症”症状的描述,使其更加准确来源:Wccftech

RPG extraterrestrial, developed by Obsidian studio, today pushed an update to version 1.07. Many netizens found that Xbox sees X and ps5 both support 60 frames after being updated to the latest version. It is not clear whether Xbox sees s also supports 60 frames after being updated. It is worth mentioning that the second DLC "the murder of iredanos" will be on sale on March 17. In addition, some new content has been added in the update of 1.07 version of extraterrestrial, and some problems have been fixed: players who play to "point of no return" can play DLC "Goliath crisis" and "iredanos murder" at that time, and Nyoka during the dialogue has been fixed The problem of facial animation not loading updates the description of the symptom of "robot phobia" to make it more accurate. Source: wccftech

标签: PS