新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪:以后不重制老游戏了,正开发全新类型的新游戏


Blizzard: we will not remake the old games in the future, and are developing new types of new games

2021-03-05 13:42:47来源: 游戏时光

近日,暴雪总裁 J. Allen Brack 和高级副总裁 Allen Adham 接受了外媒采访,并在采访中提到,在《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》公布后,暴雪会继续向前,推出更多独特的 IP,带来更多的游戏作品。Allen Adham 表示目前暴雪关注的重点将不再是重制以往的老游戏,是时候向前看了。他还解释了一下当前暴雪的运营策略:值得注意的是,暴雪现在已经没有什么需要高清/复刻(remaster)的游戏了。我们该继续向前,玩家们可以期待看到一些新东西。过去我们发布一款游戏后只会更新一两次补丁,接着就去开发下一款游戏。然而如今世界总是不断在变化......这就意味着游戏的开发周期变得更长,开发规模变得更大,持续运营已有的成功游戏的需求更迫切——想做出新作的时间也就更长。但他也认为玩家们不用担心暴雪是不是不会推出新

Recently, Blizzard president J. Allen Brack and senior vice president Allen Adham were interviewed by foreign media. In the interview, they mentioned that Blizzard will continue to move forward with more unique IP and more game works after the release of Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth. Allen Adham said that the focus of Blizzard's attention will no longer be on remaking the old games. It's time to look forward. He also explained the current Blizzard operation strategy: it is worth noting that Blizzard now has no need for HD / Remaster games. It's time to move on and players can expect to see something new. In the past, we only updated patches once or twice after releasing a game, and then we went to develop the next game. However, the world is constantly changing... This means that the development cycle of games has become longer, the development scale has become larger, and the need to continue to operate the existing successful Games is more urgent - and it takes longer to make new works. But he also thinks players don't have to worry about whether Blizzard won't launch a new product

标签: 游戏 暴雪