新关注 > 信息聚合 > 儋州郁金香郡资商涉嫌“跑路” 政府部门约谈开发商

儋州郁金香郡资商涉嫌“跑路” 政府部门约谈开发商

Danzhou tulip county investment business of alleged "foot" government departments interviewed developers

2015-09-13 18:54:08来源: 南海网

法院受理通知书(南海网记者刘培远摄) 开发商提供的民事诉讼书(南海网记者刘培远摄) 此前报道》》 南海网儋州9月13日消息(南海网记者 刘培远) 8月10日、21日,南海网独家报道了儋州郁...

court notice (Nanhai network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu photo) developers to provide civil lawsuit (Nanhai network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu photo) previously reported, "South China Sea Danzhou September 13 information (South China Sea network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu) August 10, 21, the South China Sea exclusive coverage of the Danzhou Yu...