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许昕晒偶像哈维签名球衣表爱意 刘诗诗遭躺枪

Table signed jersey Harvey love Xu Xin sun idols Cecilia liu was innocent

2016-04-09 19:39:38来源: 网易

网易体育4月9日报道: 北京时间4月9日消息,中国乒乓球队即将启程前往出征里约奥运会亚洲区预选赛,中国男队派出的参赛阵容是马龙、张继科、许昕和樊振东,尽管大战在即,但对于许昕来说,追星依然很重要,...

On April 9, netease sports coverage: Beijing time on April 9 news, the Chinese table tennis team is about to depart for Rio Olympics qualifier in Asia that China's men sent participating team is Malone, Zhang Jike, Xu Xin and FanZhenDong, despite the war, but for Xu Xin, make track for a star is still very important,...