新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宝可梦 晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠》「银河团」团员招募视频公布

《宝可梦 晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠》「银河团」团员招募视频公布

Baoke dream crystal diamond / bright pearl "Galaxy Group" member recruitment video announced

2021-11-06 09:46:42来源: 游戏时光

“宝可梦”系列最新重制作品《宝可梦 晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠》即将于 2021 年 11 月 19 日登陆 Switch 平台,熟悉本作的玩家应该对游戏内的反派组织“银河团”并不陌生,官方现公布了一则全新预告视频,为大家展示了银河团“为世界带来和平”的理念,你是否有兴趣加入呢? 视频地址

The latest remake of "baokemeng" series "baokemeng crystal diamond / bright pearl" will be launched on the switch platform on November 19, 2021. Players familiar with this work should not be unfamiliar with the villain organization "Galaxy Group" in the game. The official has now released a new preview video to show you the concept of "bringing peace to the world" of the galaxy group. Are you interested in joining us? Video address

标签: 视频