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米兰VS博洛尼亚前瞻:米兰争新年首胜 博阿滕回归

Milan VS Bologna Preview: New Year's first win Boateng Milan fight back

2016-01-05 21:18:28来源: 网易

网易体育1月5日报道: 北京时间1月6日晚22点整,重燃战火的意甲联赛将展开第18轮角逐,AC米兰将坐镇主场迎战博洛尼亚。红黑军团力争拿下2016年的开门红,博阿滕有望在比赛中亮相。 看点一:米兰力争新年开门红 去年1月米兰在主场遭萨索洛2-1逆转,红黑军团延续了17个赛季的新年首...

NEW YORK, January 5 report: Beijing January 6 evening 22 o'clock, the resumption of fighting in the Serie A will start the first 18 race, AC Milan sits at home against Bologna. Rossoneri strive to win 2016 opener, Boateng is expected to debut in the race. Aspect One: New Year's opener strive Milan Milan at home last January was Sassuolo 2-1, the Rossoneri continued the first 17 seasons of the New Year ...