新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陌陌惠子晒出足球宝贝定妆照 粉丝问罪摄影师我惠的大长腿呢

陌陌惠子晒出足球宝贝定妆照 粉丝问罪摄影师我惠的大长腿呢

Momo keiko drying out football baby calm makeup according to fan out photographer, I would like big long legs

2018-06-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

前不久,为了迎接足球世界杯的到来,陌陌平台举办了足球宝贝的比赛。身材高挑、长相靓丽的舞蹈主播惠子成功入围到了TOP32,化身克罗地亚助威加油宝贝。日前,惠子来到北京进行足球宝贝定妆照的拍摄,在粉丝们强烈要求下,惠子晒出了两张身着克罗地亚球衣的照片,粉丝们看过之后大呼“摄影师,我惠的大长腿呢?” 通过这两张照片我们可以看到,手捧黑白相间足球,下身身着黑色短裤,上身身穿克罗地亚收腰队服的惠子看起来活力十足。最大的亮点在于腰上褶皱的队服和收腰的蝴蝶结,这种装扮不仅可以炫身材,而且还让整体造型变得Fashion许多。 但是,由于照片存在拍摄角度的问题,没有将被粉丝们誉为腿长1米8的惠子的大长...

Recently, in order to meet the arrival of the football World Cup, devoted to message platform to hold the baby's a football match. Tall, beautiful dance anchor keiko successful candidates in the TOP32, incarnation of Croatia cheer come on baby. Came to Beijing a few days ago, keiko to football baby calm makeup photo shoot, as required by the fans strongly, keiko drying out of the two pictures of shirt, Croatia, fans have seen after shouted "photographer, I would like the big long legs?" Through these two photos we can see, black and white football in hand, and wearing black shorts, upper body keiko in Croatia accept waist clothes look energetic. The biggest bright spot is that the waist waist bowknot, fold the shirt and on the appearance not only can dazzle a figure, but also make integral modelling Fashion. But, due to the problems of shooting Angle photographs, not known by fans as 1 meter 8 keiko's big long legs...