新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大逃杀游戏“绝地求生”亚洲版本即将封测 玩家招募中

大逃杀游戏“绝地求生”亚洲版本即将封测 玩家招募中

Battle royale game "desperately" Asian version is in the closed beta player recruitment

2017-02-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

继承了H1Z1大逃杀模式的生存游戏“绝地求生(playerunknown‘s battlegrounds)”将在全球陆续上线。游戏亚洲版权的发行方Blue-hole蓝洞(代表金江石)表示将在2月24日进行封闭测试,即日起开启游戏测试玩家招募。 “绝地求生”是一款大逃杀题材的游戏,在一个广阔无垠的世界中展开,玩家使用多样的战略参与战斗,最后留下一人生存。值得指出的是,“绝地求生”由此前火遍全球的末日求生沙盒网游H1Z1的开发团队开发,大逃杀题材游戏创始人布林特克林,格林埃尔迪福,迪勒特勒共同参与制作,保证游戏的制作精良。本次亚洲版本的测试将会让更多的游戏玩家,在更加舒适的环境当中,先睹为...

Inherited H1Z1 battle royale mode of survival game "jedi survival (playerunknown 's battlegrounds)" will be launched in succession in the world. Game Blue issuer of copyright in Asia - hole, Blue hole (representative gold Jiang Shi) will be closed on February 24, said tests, open game test players recruited from now on. "Jedi survival is a battle royale" theme of the game, in a vast world, players use a variety of strategies to participate in combat, finally left a people live. Worth pointing out that "desperately" before the fire through the end of the global survival sandbox games H1Z1 development team development, battle royale game theme founder Brian kling, green el jermain Defoe, diller, in production, to ensure that the game well made. The Asian version of the test will allow more players, in a more comfortable environment, first see as...

标签: 游戏