新关注 > 信息聚合 > 钻石切工不只有圆钻 诸多切割形状你不了解

钻石切工不只有圆钻 诸多切割形状你不了解

Diamond cut not only circular diamond cutting shape you don't understand

2017-01-08 13:39:33来源: 新浪

现在很多人对于钻石是圆的形成了一种思维定式。可能是因为中国主流市场对圆钻的过度宣传导致的,那么钻石常见的切割形状有哪些呢? 钻石原石的形状是它们被切割成不同形状的最根本原因,一粒原石被切割成哪种...

Now many people in the formation of diamonds are round a mind-set. May be because of the mainstream market of China round diamond caused by excessive publicity, so what are common diamond cutting shape? The shape of the original rock of diamond is that they are cut into different shapes of the root causes, a grain of original rock is cut into what kind of...