新关注 > 信息聚合 > 莱利:5000万留小将乃老板决策 合同后两年价太高

莱利:5000万留小将乃老板决策 合同后两年价太高

Riley: 50 million young is the boss decision-making Two years after the contract price is too high

2016-07-18 12:45:05来源: 网易

网易体育7月18日报道: 热火已经匹配了篮网对泰勒-约翰逊的4年5000万报价合同,留住了这位24岁的前锋。 约翰逊在热火效力的两年间场均得到7.4分2.8篮板的数据,上赛季他在常规赛仅首发了5...

On July 18, netease sports: the heat has matched the nets to Taylor Johnson's 50 million offer four-year contract, retain the 24-year-old striker. Johnson in the heat effect two years averaged 7.4 points and 2.8 rebounds data, last season he started in the regular season only 5...