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Lenovo, the acquisition of beauty library card to learn!

2016-06-04 13:08:35来源: DoNews

年报很不好看,主营业务危机四伏,股票又遭谷歌抛售,这就是联想集团目前遭遇的窘境。 那么,面对这种窘境,联想集团又在做些什么呢?杨元庆表示:“一个财季乃至一个财年的业绩不代表一切,我们从未低估进入新的领域,落实新的战略的难度,耐住寂寞是必须的。所以现在……还是开始干活吧”。在5月31日,联想发布了小屏旗舰机联想ZUK Z2。据媒体报道称,在发布会上,联想集团副总裁常程不断“碰瓷”小米5,不但与小米5进行多项对比,还在发布会最后拼出“超米5”三个大字。 6月1日,苏宁云商和阿里巴巴在北京联合举行战略发布会,杨元庆受邀站台;第二天,不知出于何种原因,京东自营下线了所有的联想手机。虽然6月3日联想手机...

Annual report is not very good, main business crisis, stock and selling by Google, this is the lenovo group currently encountered dilemma. So, in the face of such predicament, lenovo group and in what to do? Mr Yang said: "a quarter or even a fiscal year earnings isn't everything, we never underestimate into new territory, the implementation of the difficulty of the new strategy, resistance for solitude is a must. So now... let's start working". On May 31, lenovo launched small screen flagship machine ZUK Z2. , according to media reports in the conference, vice President of lenovo group Chang Cheng constantly "racketeer" millet 5, 5 multiple comparison, not only with millet also spelled out at the end of the conference "super m 5" three characters. On June 1, Su Ningyun quotient and alibaba in strategic conference held in Beijing union, Mr Yang was invited to the platform; The next day, I do not know for what reason, jingdong proprietary offline all the lenovo mobile. On June 3, while lenovo mobile...