新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中超购买力远超亚洲各国之和 已成世界第五联赛

中超购买力远超亚洲各国之和 已成世界第五联赛

Chinese super purchasing power than the sum of Asian countries is the world's fifth in the league

2017-01-29 00:40:18来源: 华体网

奥斯卡 根据一份国际足联昨天出炉的报告称:去年,来自中国的俱乐部已经花费了4 .5亿美元在国际市场购买外援,是2015年的2 .5倍,是2013年的7倍———其中包括了上海申花购买特维斯,上海上港...

Oscar, according to a report yesterday said FIFA: last year, the club from China has spent 4. $500 million buying foreign aid in the international market, is the 2015 2. 5 times, 7 times that of 2013 - including the Shanghai shenhua to buy tevez, Shanghai port on...