新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行三星Note7如何召回?这九个问题你必须知道


How can Samsung recall Note7? You must know these nine questions.

2016-10-14 10:57:41来源: TechWeb

【手机中国 新闻】三星Note7全球进行二次召回,国行也在内。不过,部分三星Note7用户不禁迷茫起来,赠品不在了怎么办?买的水货怎么办?没了Note7用什么?淡定,别方!针对这些问题,三星官方正式...

Mobile china news] Samsung Note7 has made two recalls worldwide, including the national bank. However, some Samsung Note7 users can't help being confused. What should they do if the gifts are gone? What about buying parallel imports? No Note7, what to use? Calm down! In response to these problems, Samsung official.

标签: 三星