新关注 > 信息聚合 > [2016防汛]罗田老板自掏腰包组织机械抢修通村公路


The boss [2016 flood] liaocheng out-of-pocket organize machinery repair village road

2016-07-03 15:43:10来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(记者 刘申)7月1日凌晨,山洪卷席罗田胜利镇,该镇大刘湾、翁家湾两村千顷良田被毁,两村通往外界的唯一通道也被洪水拦腰冲断。灾情发生后,当地爱心企业家、大刘湾村民金防震,顾不上自己鱼池、养...

News of network of chaste tree hunan (reporter Liu Shen), in the morning on July 1, flash floods victory roll mat liaocheng town, the town big Liu Wan, weng two house bay village destroyed thousands of hectares of fertile land, two village the only passage to the outside world it was the middle thrust by the flood. After the disaster occurs, the local entrepreneurs love, big Liu Wan villagers gold shock, forgetting her fish pond, raising...