新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人和外援重组伊沃成新核 耶拉维奇或赴K联赛

人和外援重组伊沃成新核 耶拉维奇或赴K联赛

Foreign aid and restructuring ivo into new nuclear ravitch or in the league

2017-02-03 01:05:51来源: 华体网

北迁帝都后,北京人和一直是在夹缝中求生存。在球迷市场基本被国安垄断的情况下,该队还要在中甲与北控争抢地盘。因此,尽早实现冲超目标,吸引舆论和球迷群体的关注,便成为俱乐部上下的首要目标。 上赛季,人...

And moved north after the imperial city, Beijing is always strives for the survival in the margins of society. In the case of fan by the security market basic monopoly, but also in the sense of the team and BeiKong for turf. Therefore, as soon as possible and achieve goals, attract the attention of public opinion and the fans, will become the first goal for the club and. Last season, people...